Regional Groups Perks
As a regional group, you are ISA Affilated Group, eabling you to perks that the ISA can offer. Most of all, we value our relationship and are excited to work with you always.

Have a seat on CoISA and be ISA Affilated Group
CoISA stand for Committee on International Students' Affairs.
This committee help ISA to stay connected with all affiliated groups, provide resources or support as needed. CoISA normally oversee and manage the regional groups funding and many other programs.
Gerneral Support and Perks

ISA Newsletter
ISA has a monthly newsletter reaching out to 9,000+ international students. Share your group's updates, upcoming events, or anything that you want to share.
This newsletter will give you the outreach that you want and help you increase your membership.
ISA newsletter would be going 1st week of every month and regional groups need to submit the content by 11:59 PM 21st of every month.
ISA New Student
Welcome Program
Every year we welcome 100s of new international students in the Fall. Your group could join us in welcoming new students and get them to join your group.
Regional Groups normally table in our program and align their own programs as a supplement to our program for students to join them after our program.
Please note that ISA Welcome Program is a part of International Students Orientation, and we annually work closely with UAI on it. Our program show in the international student's orientation schedule.
Information related to participation in ISA's welcome program will be shared in the CoISA during spring and summer.

ISA Website
Be featured on ISA Website under the "Find a Regional Group" Page. This page is usually promoted by the ISA so international students could find information related to your group and reach out to you.
Sell Merch Online
If you want to sell merch or anything else online, then ISA Could help you out. We could create a custom merch page where your members could buy your merch or other things and pay online. We will transfer all the money and a list of students who bought your merch or things so you could deliver it. Our website also supports delivery options, via Canada Post, thus your members could buy online and get things delivered anywhere around the world.

Campus Pickup Support
Your group members could pick up things from ISA Office, while you could focus on selling things.
We can rent (mostly free) your ISA assets for usage. Contact our Vice President Internal ( to rent the following:
- Credit or Debit Card Machine

Campus Storage Space
We could store your items or club assets in our office or storage room for you. This can save you from carrying all things home every day.
Transition Support
Most regional groups fail due to a lack of proper transition. ISA could support you by working with your group in creating a strong transition process. This shall enable your group to last for years to come and operate strongly.
ISA can share its own transition manuals and process to help you transition your execs. We also can provide you mechanisms to overcome various common challenges.

Election Support
As an affiliated regional group, you could run your elections through the ISA's Election Office. Our CRO could work with your CRO with support and resources, or we could also assign a CRO for your group to act as a non-biased election officer.
You could also use the ISA Election platform, or announce your elections in our newsletter for more turnout.
Group Revival Support
If your group is struggling with lack of members or students to contest for your group exec positions. Then we could help you by sharing words in our newsletter or social media, to find students who might be interested in running your group.
You could also surrender your group to ISA, this mean you could handover your group to ISA, and we could find people and revive your group. We could also keep your groups assets in trust until somone in future restart your group. This is better then abandoning your group.