Political Policies
Political policies shall be defined as statements of the principle set out by the Councils that direct the board in its advocacy efforts. They set out the formal position of the ISA on the political issues of the day. It then becomes the job of the board to implement the political policies as they best see fit.
ISA Bylaw 400.F.b. "The ISA Councils shall create, amend, recline and implement the political standings or other governing/operational documents that shall bind the entire ISA."
Apr 07
Needs-Based Funding Policy
The International Students’ Association (ISA) shall advocate for more need-based funding over merit-based funding.
Apr 07
Global Politics Neutrality Policy
The international Students’ Association (ISA) has officially adopted a neutrality policy on any global or foreign country's internal affairs. We represent students from all countries thus we cannot pick sides.
Sep 28
International Students’ Safety Policy
The University of Alberta International Students' Association, has officially adopted the International Students’ Safety Policy, which shall govern its advocacy on any matter related to campus security, UAPS or EPS. Political policies are implemented by the ISA Councils and thus considered as official stances of the ISA on matters addressed in the policies.